19 October 2007

Camera, Auditions and other junk

My lense came yesterday! Wow it's so nice! I'm super excited. Afterwork it was waiting in the mail box! Than I had to go get a memory card so I could actually use the camera! That set me back $70.00. EEKS. I also decided since I was spending money - might as well get a tripod as well. So that is what i did! I bought a tripod too. I think i'm done spending money for awhile.

I hope it doesn't rain all weekend so I can go out and play with the new camera! It is so awesome and I'm way pumped about it!

On Sunday I'm going to audition for the "Holiday Show" at the dance studio. Well it's for the FM Ballet... but auditions are at the dance studio. I miss performing and really dancing. So we'll see. There are so many great dancers though - so i'm not going to get my hopes up. It's just something I was interested in doing. Change of pace in life...right?!?

"Spooky Ballets" open in a week and a few days. So if you live in Fargo - get your tickets. It's going to be an awesome show! I can't wait to see the completed show with costumes, the stage and lights! It's going to be so exciting. Plus there is a costume contest. I will not enter - b/c i don't really qualify... i know the entire board and am dating the Artistic Director. TOo much favortism. But it's fun to just dress up! So I'm going to.

Watch for pictures this weekend!!!

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