01 November 2010

21 Days

I'm a BLOG READER!  Well I tell whomever reads this all the time.  I follow Rhonna Farrer's blog and she has a 21 Challenge.
I have never participated in this before so I'm really excited!  I have my art journal made and ready to go

Here are some instructions from Rhonna:
1. Choose 1 habit you want to make or break in the 21 days.
*we'll end on Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S.*

2. Choose an art journal of some kind. old book, notebook, scrapbook, sketch book...something! 
OR you can make the little book  out of the NEW House of 3 21 Challenge kit. There's a tiny book that you can make 5x 2.5. I love it. I've found that sometimes you don't have the time to do a full blown art journal, but you do need 5 min. of creative time....a small canvas is much more do-able at times.  But, you may choose to have a larger book..whatever inspires you!

3. Meet back at Rhonna's Blog on Friday, November 5th for your daily motivational coaching!  I'll have art from the kit plus quotes, motivation & a kick in the can for you! *and me*. LOL.

Oh and the webshow on Wednesday will be centered around this :)

Here is my art journal:

I cut white cardstock to 8" x 6" and folded in 1/2, then I cut out a piece of canvas (9" x 6 1/2").  Sew down the middle and I have a journal!

Who is going to play along as well??  Let me know!!

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